Yes, it is July. Yes, the mayflies are hatching. Yes, it is hotter. Yes, it is sunny. Yes, it has been very calm with little wind the past two weeks. Yes, the lake water has become extremely clear…. and finally YES, the fishing has still been very good. Not May/June “good”, but for those who a) get out of bed and fish early/late and b) fish live bait, the fishing has been very good. Most recent case in point to this is Norm Zielke’s family and friends who caught over 800 fish last week (June 27-July 4), including around 90 smallmouth bass. Of course Kelsey (Norm’s daughter in law) may not be invited back in the future. That’s what catching a 41″ pike (See our Facebook page too) on your very first trip out on the lake on your first trip to camp will do for you. Then when you follow that up a day or two later with a 34″ pike…good way to get “uninvited” in the future, haha.
Now the Zielke party numbers were “padded” a little bit by a couple of trips to Lost Lake, which ironically has been a little slow for July, only yielding catches of about 50-75 walleyes per boat. Three different groups made the easy trek to Lost last week and every one returned with the same story. Fifty to seventy-five fish per boat, 1/2 to 3/4 day fishing, a few under 18″, most 18-22″, and several 24-25″ fish. Not too bad.
We were able to entertain three new groups last week and all had excellent trips. Bob and Mary Melton had a great trip and did very well learning the north end of Wabaskang for first timers. They caught a lot of fish, walleyes, perch, pike and smallmouth included. Ken and Vickie Forsell were on their first fishing trip ever to Canada and they handled it like seasoned veterans. Fished hard, caught a lot of fish, and were a pleasure to have with us for their first trip. Ed Furin’s group of three were able to take advantage of our Military Discount and had an outstanding trip, catching a bunch of big perch, walleyes, smallmouth and “pike everywhere”. Bob Buehl who had never caught a walleye in his life, caught a bunch and a nice 25″ walleye at the hotel.
John Maier’s family was with us again and cabin members ranged from 2 to 82 years old. Four generations as John brought his Mother Freda (82), his Aunt Trudy (82), his son Matt and his wife Jenny along with their children Micah (7) and Adelie (2). This trip was as much about family, as it was fishing. They still caught a lot of fish and had an experience they will remember for a lifetime. And what grandfather doesn’t rejoice in seeing his grandson (Micah) catch a 34″ pike? Awesome.
All in all, it was a very good week of numbers and quality fish.
The week of June 20-27 was also an excellent week of fishing for us. Again, three new groups all of whom did very well, surrounded by camp veterans. Walleye fishing was very good, pike and smallmouth fishing was outstanding and big jumbo perch were a little harder to find but a couple of groups still managed to limit out or come very close to their limits on big ones.
A few pictures from the past couple of weeks, with more hopefully coming in.

Thanks Dave, Mel, and crew! Once again a wonderful experience fishing Canada! So special to share it with my family. Thanks for doing so much to provide us an amazing week. It was a week that will be remembered.