What do I need to cross the Canadian border? | Page 7 of 16 | Bear Claw Wilderness Camp (formerly Peffley’s Canadian Wilderness Camp)

Priceless! That’s what good fishing is…

The smile on a 13 year old boys face who loves the sport of fishing making his first trip to Canada. Ken Wieczorek and his son Hunter along with 6 other relatives and friends including Dan Sr. and Jr. who drove 1,650 miles from North Carolina to be here, were guests of camp this week.Continue Reading

Great Weather, Great Fishing

A pretty good rain and lightning show on Monday night this week, otherwise the weather remained pretty nice for late May. Still lot’s of T-shirts, shorts etc. in camp and the need for some sunscreen. The fish have held up their end of the bargain too with many limits this week by both camp veteransContinue Reading

Both Sides Now-Judy Collins view of clouds

These were the coolest looking clouds I think I have ever seen and reminded me of the immortal Judy Collins tune…. Bows and flows of angel hair and ice cream castles in the air And feather canyons everywhere, I’ve looked at clouds that way But now they only block the sun they rain and snowContinue Reading

Fishing Canada-Young at heart

We were fortunate enough again this year to be hosts to Pete Paruch’s family from the St. Joseph, Michigan area. I forgot to ask Pete how many years in camp this was for the family but let’s just say this “wasn’t their first rodeo.” Pete was joined by his two sons Ryan and Jason alongContinue Reading

Experience Counts

Just for fun this week I added up the total fishing experience of the group leaders in our eight guest cabins. Not the entire group, just the most senior member of the crew, and determined that this week in camp we have 135 years of experience in camp in just the “pit bosses”. That includesContinue Reading

Seneca, South Carolina ROCKS Bear Claw Camp!

It was our pleasure at Bear Claw Camp to host Bob Stromberg’s group from Seneca, South Carolina again this year. Bob was here for somewhere in the 38th year range and his group of Fred Bailine, Tom Greene and Dave Garrison (all 70’ish in ages with the notable exception of Bob who is only 69)Continue Reading


Greetings from the wonderful state of Wisconsin, home of the “awesomeest” Green Bay Packers! (Brett who???). It is our pleasure to be the guest bloggers on Dave’s blog this week. Allow us to introduce ourselves….Sandy teaches EMS (very recently retired lucky her) and is the supervising nurse at a girls summer camp (patience of aContinue Reading

Bye, bye bachelor life

Tomorrow (6/23) will officially signal the end of the early season bachelor life for me as the “estrogen invasion” is on it’s way. The three girls (Megan, Emily and Allison) are travelling with friends and are scheduled to arrive tomorrow. Milissa and Sara will also be arriving this week, but have been delayed just aContinue Reading

Summer slowdown, fishing?

Hopefully no one read this and thought I was talking about the fishing! Actually, the fishing has been holding up pretty good with all the sun, heat and humidity last week. Fran and Mary VanHoorweghe would certainly attest to that. Despite losing about a day and a half of their trip to really crummy weather, FranContinue Reading

Holbrook Family returns to Bear Claw Wilderness Camp

Hi everyone. Although every single week of camp is special in it’s own way, last week in camp was extra special. The Holbrook family (Adam-Dad, Michelle-Mom, CJ-15, Ben-11, and twin sisters Sara and Tara-9) from Roann, Indiana were special guests of Bear Claw Camp again this year. Many of you may recall that the HolbrooksContinue Reading

Peffley's Wilderness Camp is a family owned and operated camp. Dave has been fishing Wabaskang Lake for over 25 years and was previously a guest of this camp for 12 years prior to purchasing the camp in 2005. I am a proud supporter of our military and offer a nice discount during the month of July to our guests who have also served. I have three daughters ranging in ages from 16-21 who spend much of their summer with us in camp and have totally embraced the wilderness experience we offer. They have for years referred to it as the "best summer experience ever".

While rarely necessary on our lake, because I do have a very good working knowledge on how and where to fish on Wabaskang Lake and our portage waters, I will guide groups if asked to. Otherwise, I am always happy to share information with our guests and provide them well marked lake maps so they can start catching fish their first day in camp.

I pride myself on running a very clean and well managed camp with your satisfaction our top priority. Many guests who have fished from this camp for over 20 years, and several more that have fished here for over 30 years and even some over 40 years.

Contact Us

Toby & Fran Haughee - Owners
toby@bearclawcamp.com | fran@bearclawcamp.com

Summer Address:
General Delivery
Perrault Falls, Ontario
P0V 2K0                                     

This is the ONLY number to call to arrange pickup at
the roadside landing during our operating season.
Please do not call the numbers below as
we cannot guarantee a timely answer
on Saturday mornings (changeover day).

Winter Address:
PO Box 1163
Mishawaka, IN 46546                       

Copyright © 2014 Peffleys Canadian Wilderness Camps offers canadian walleye and northern pike fishing and hunting trips in Wabaskang Lake in Perrault Falls, Ontario Canada along with canadian hunting and fishing lodge and canadian hunting outfitters,