Category Archives: Seasons

Spring is here… or so we hear! Ice report

That’s what the calendar says anyhow, and actually we have started to see glimpses of it here in Indiana recently with some daytime high temps in the 50’s at least. Unfortunately, it looks like it’s back to the 30’s for the next several days before another warm up arrives late this coming week.The weather, however,Continue Reading

Minor setback? More snow

In case you didn’t hear, reports are that much of NW Ontario received as much as 18″ of new snow in a storm that swept through the area on Monday. With only several feet of snow still remaining from earlier in the winter, this new snow dump should pretty much ensure that there will beContinue Reading


Update: I’m updating from my iPad in a hotel room. Sound like last years blog about this time? Well it looks and feels like it to me that’s for sure. It’s still really too soon, unfortunately, to be able to predict ice out with certainty. While we did make great progress over the weekend withContinue Reading

Ice gone, water high….

Little could we have know that after a late ice out last season and a full court press to get camp up and running, that just one short year later we would be going through the same fire drill. For some reason however, this year seemed just that much more difficult. We were fortunate toContinue Reading

What a start…

This blog’s title could apply to many things. The weather, the water level, the camp start up “issues”, the fishing, etc. In fact, it does apply to them all. While helicoptering over icy Wabaskang Lake on our way to camp on Thursday, May 15, one thing was painfully apparent: The ice would not be outContinue Reading

Happy Canada Day!

Perhaps it is hard to believe that July is here for you also? I know for us it certainly is. The month of June flew by as it usually does, and I apologize for the lack of updates but to be honest I find it much easier to post some info on our Facebook pageContinue Reading

Pre-Christmas Activities

Christmas time is always such a busy time of the year with all the shopping, wrapping, holiday parties, kids’ Christmas plays, concerts etc. Plenty to keep you busy for sure! Sara just had her 5th grade Christmas concert on Friday and wrapped up a volleyball tournament over the weekend. Allison earlier in the week hadContinue Reading

Peffley's Wilderness Camp is a family owned and operated camp. Dave has been fishing Wabaskang Lake for over 25 years and was previously a guest of this camp for 12 years prior to purchasing the camp in 2005. I am a proud supporter of our military and offer a nice discount during the month of July to our guests who have also served. I have three daughters ranging in ages from 16-21 who spend much of their summer with us in camp and have totally embraced the wilderness experience we offer. They have for years referred to it as the "best summer experience ever".

While rarely necessary on our lake, because I do have a very good working knowledge on how and where to fish on Wabaskang Lake and our portage waters, I will guide groups if asked to. Otherwise, I am always happy to share information with our guests and provide them well marked lake maps so they can start catching fish their first day in camp.

I pride myself on running a very clean and well managed camp with your satisfaction our top priority. Many guests who have fished from this camp for over 20 years, and several more that have fished here for over 30 years and even some over 40 years.

Contact Us

Toby & Fran Haughee - Owners
574-276-7413 |

Summer Address:
General Delivery
Perrault Falls, Ontario
P0V 2K0                                     

This is the ONLY number to call to arrange pickup at
the roadside landing during our operating season.
Please do not call the numbers below as
we cannot guarantee a timely answer
on Saturday mornings (changeover day).

Winter Address:
PO Box 1163
Mishawaka, IN 46546                       

Copyright © 2014 Peffleys Canadian Wilderness Camps offers canadian walleye and northern pike fishing and hunting trips in Wabaskang Lake in Perrault Falls, Ontario Canada along with canadian hunting and fishing lodge and canadian hunting outfitters,