Good Fishing, Good Friends and Good Times

Another week in camp passes under bright sunny skies and nights cool enough to grab a sweatshirt for the evening. Not quite the fall of the year, but the days grow shorter and the nights are getting long as we approach one of our favorite times of the year in camp. Fishing remains very good (although the big pike have been a real challenge) and with a lot of our regulars in camp including the “Iowa invasion”–the good times continue every week with lot’s of laughs, story-telling and even the occasion “fish-tale”.Mother nature has even mustered up a little rain for us in the last couple of weeks. Just enough to green some of the dry spots in the lawn up again, but hardly enough to dent the lake level which is as low for this time of year as we have seen in the last 5 seasons or so. The other very positive side to the limited rainfall and cooler temps is that the area is no longer a restricted fire zone. This has been one of the very worst years in Ontario for forest fires and resulting acreage that has burned in the last 50 years. We feel extremely blessed to have been spared and give our best wishes to everyone in the region who in some way was impacted by the severe fire situation this season.Still a busy time for us with a lot of fishermen and bear hunters starting to arrive soon. Still a few things on the project list that I would like to see accomplished now that the weather is a little more maneagable (cooler!). The wood pile is in great shape this year after such a HOT summer, so I hope to spend some time on a couple of other projects instead of cutting, splitting and stacking so much wood. Hard to believe it is almost September already. Won’t be long and our seventh season will be in the books, but we will be sure to have a few more blog entries between now and seasons end. Until then we will leave you with a few pictures from the past couple of weeks.

The Pinegar Crew-just another stringer of August walleye.Ho, hum…….
Another beautiful sunrise from camp
Ken Ruttledge with a good pike
Somehow we managed to get them to hold still long enough for one photo!
Katrina Getsfried with one of her first ever Canadian walleye
Ron Louck’s crew on their first Canadian fishing adventure
Peggy Musch with a nice smallie she later released

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Peffley's Wilderness Camp is a family owned and operated camp. Dave has been fishing Wabaskang Lake for over 25 years and was previously a guest of this camp for 12 years prior to purchasing the camp in 2005. I am a proud supporter of our military and offer a nice discount during the month of July to our guests who have also served. I have three daughters ranging in ages from 16-21 who spend much of their summer with us in camp and have totally embraced the wilderness experience we offer. They have for years referred to it as the "best summer experience ever".

While rarely necessary on our lake, because I do have a very good working knowledge on how and where to fish on Wabaskang Lake and our portage waters, I will guide groups if asked to. Otherwise, I am always happy to share information with our guests and provide them well marked lake maps so they can start catching fish their first day in camp.

I pride myself on running a very clean and well managed camp with your satisfaction our top priority. Many guests who have fished from this camp for over 20 years, and several more that have fished here for over 30 years and even some over 40 years.

Contact Us

Toby & Fran Haughee - Owners
574-276-7413 |

Summer Address:
General Delivery
Perrault Falls, Ontario
P0V 2K0                                     

This is the ONLY number to call to arrange pickup at
the roadside landing during our operating season.
Please do not call the numbers below as
we cannot guarantee a timely answer
on Saturday mornings (changeover day).

Winter Address:
PO Box 1163
Mishawaka, IN 46546                       

Copyright © 2014 Peffleys Canadian Wilderness Camps offers canadian walleye and northern pike fishing and hunting trips in Wabaskang Lake in Perrault Falls, Ontario Canada along with canadian hunting and fishing lodge and canadian hunting outfitters,