In many regards it is just that. On a personal level, the transition relates to the recent return of the girls to the U.S. after a wonderful five week stay in camp. Lot’s of memories and good times with their camp friends again this year. Certainly sad to see them go, but I know they miss their “home” friends too, and are also terribly excited about school starting up again. Right ladies? Well so much for that one.
Another notable transition is with the month change from July to August we are noticing a transition of our walleye fishing to deeper water structure. Of course, there are still many places where walleyes continue to relate to weedbeds making it very easy to “pick your poison” as far as how you want to approach filling your limit of walleye. Part of this transition is that the walleye have really been eager to use their tails. Yes, that’s right they do move around and last week was a prime example as they were “here today, gone tomorrow” only to return the day after. For most everyone willing to keep moving around to find actively feeding fish they continue to do very well on numbers. For pike anglers, we are also transitioning into arguably the very best time of the season for trophy northern. Numerous fish over 40″ have been caught the past several weeks, including back to back weeks with 45″ monsters. The balance of the month should continue to provide some excellent big pike action.
There has also been a lot of camp “bonding” going on the past several weeks which is always great to see. It’s not just the kids in camp that are making and maintaining friendships as we hear lot’s of the adults talking to each other wanting to make sure that they are rebooking for the same week next year. Obviously the kind of talk we love to hear, and also great for the adults who look forward to renewing their camp friendships again next year. Tom Cellantani from Michigan and Dave Getsfried are two great examples as each of them brought their kids (Tom’s son Anthony-11 and Dave’s daughter Katrina-7) and had the opportunity to fish with the kids throughout the week and with each other when the kids preferred to hang in camp with the other kids. A joint outing to Lost Lake was certainly a highlight for the four of them, as it was a great day of adventure for all, and adding 60-70 walleyes for the day doesn’t hurt when you are trying to keep the kids interested in fishing!
Part of the gang last week in camp. Jimmy Buffet sing alongs were pretty common. |
We are looking forward to the last third of our season, as we will have many camp regulars in from now until shutdown, and they will be joined by a few new groups that will be experiencing the camp for the first time. Of course, the start of our bear hunting season isn’t far off either so we will be looking forward to sharing some trail cam photos in upcoming blogs. August is off to a great start and it should only get better. Until next time, here are a few pictures from the past couple of weeks.

Anthony, Tom and Allison with an impressive evening catch!
Tom Cellantani capped off a great week of fishing with this hefty 39″ northern |
Mark Buchanan with a monster 45″ pike |
Persistence pays off when perch fishing! |
Best bait for big pike? Apparently 17″ walleye if you are Joe Gonnering |
A “darling” catch from the Darling family. |